About us
Epic Ethics is designed to enhance character development and community through literacy-based classroom lessons combining stories and activities with interactive student discussion.
The program has proven to be a robust, proactive, and results-oriented curriculum for developing ethical character and social-emotional learning in children and youth.
Our mission is to provide ethics instruction to school-aged children.
Epic Ethics is curriculum built on literacy content and cross disciplinary academic activities to promote student self-awareness, self-management, healthy relationship formation, and ethical decision-making skills based on a simple yet comprehensive ethical framework.
Research supports that children who develop positive social skills and character habits are happier, more successful, and have better relationships throughout their lives. Human development studies also reveal that children have the capacity to learn these skills at an early age, but they need adults to help them fully develop these traits. Relationship skills, self management, gratitude, emotional awareness and empathy are abstract domains of decision making governed by personal ethics. All the choices we make have an ethical quality to them. the mounting emphasis on academic performance and resultant demands on teachers often leaves little or no time for developing them. Epic Ethics addresses this deficiency through literacy-based curriculum that blends academic instruction with exploration of the essential human challenges of character development through the ethical problem-solving lens of the Four Awesome Questions: Is it true? Is it fair? Will it build friendships and community? Will it be helpful to those involved?
Epic Ethics offers a series of literacy-based classroom lessons combining stories and activities with interactive discussion. Each of 5 learning modules addresses one or more of the following concepts: expressing feelings, resolving conflict, celebrating diversity, building community and developing strength through peace.