How To Use Epic Ethics in the Classroom
The Epic Ethics instructional model offers a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts in the K-12 classroom. The program comprises six themes, each with eight grade-appropriate lessons, totaling 48 lessons. These themes include Building Community, Celebrating Diversity, Expressing Feelings, Resolving Conflicts, Strength through Peace, and Inspiring with Integrity.
Each lesson, lasting between 45 minutes and an hour, utilizes classical literature, songs, and other media resources to demonstrate key concepts. Designed to align with grade-level objectives, the lessons serve as guides for teacher instruction rather than being direct student-facing resources. Every lesson is comprised of core social-emotional and critical-thinking learning goals built on a basic lesson plan. The parts can be mixed and matched to differentiate for the needs of the group and instructor, including features such as Lingo Lists, Guiding Questions, SEL Exercises, and Media Resources to support effective teaching and learning.
Lingo Lists: Key vocabulary is included in every lesson plan, enabling teachers to introduce new words and explain essential concepts. This gives students a solid foundation for understanding and building upon the lesson's content.
Guiding Questions: Open-ended, probing, clarifying, and reflective questions are provided for each lesson. These questions encourage critical thinking, promote active listening, and create a safe space for students to learn from one another, fostering an environment of collaboration and understanding.
SEL Exercises: Engaging exercises, such as role-playing scenarios, collaborative problem-solving tasks, mindfulness practices, and reflective writing prompts, teach SEL concepts in a meaningful and relatable way. These activities help students develop essential life skills and foster positive peer relationships.
Media Resources: By incorporating a range of media resources into the lessons, teachers can create an engaging learning environment that caters to their student's diverse needs and strengths. These resources support varied learning styles, ensuring every student can connect with and benefit from the lesson's content.
We encourage you to explore the Epic Ethics instructional model and integrate it into your classroom to promote ethical decision-making, social and emotional learning, and a positive environment where students can thrive. By implementing these lessons, you are helping to shape the lives of your students, guiding them toward responsible choices and fostering strong relationships built on empathy, understanding, and respect.