The Four Awesome Questions
The Four Awesome Questions is a youth-friendly ethical framework that can help guide decision-making in your classroom and foster a positive learning environment. By using these questions for both restorative and proactive interactions, you can encourage personal accountability and strong relationships among your students.
Is it True?
The first question encourages honesty and integrity. Students should always strive to be truthful in their words and actions. As teachers, you can use this question to remind students of the importance of being honest with themselves and others. Encouraging truthfulness also helps to create a trusting and supportive classroom environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Is it Fair?
The second question emphasizes the importance of fairness and justice. By asking if an action or decision is fair, students learn to consider the needs and feelings of others. This question helps to build empathy and understanding among students, fostering a sense of community and respect for diversity. As teachers, you can use this question to guide discussions about fairness and to address conflicts constructively.
Will it Build Community and Better Friendships?
This question focuses on the importance of nurturing positive relationships and fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom. By considering how their actions affect others, students learn the value of teamwork, collaboration, and empathy. As teachers, you can use this question to encourage students to work together, support one another, and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.
Will it be Helpful to those Involved?
The final question asks students to consider the consequences of their actions and whether they will benefit all parties involved. This question encourages students to think critically about the impact of their decisions, promoting responsibility and accountability. As teachers, you can use this question to guide students toward making choices that positively impact themselves and others.
When facing an ethical dilemma, these four questions may initially appear contradictory. Two questions emphasize virtue (deontological ethics), while the other two focus on the consequences (teleological ethics). Maintaining a balance between these perspectives is essential to help students develop a well-rounded understanding of ethical decision-making. By incorporating The Four Awesome Questions into your classroom, you can empower your students to make thoughtful, responsible choices and foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.